I woke up early today very excited to start my campaign for the 30 and 40 meters event of the Archery for Girls Recurve Bow. It was Day 2 of the Games but it was actually Day 1 for Girls Archery. I was thankful that although the weather was gloomy with intermittent rains, there were no strong winds. However, I was saddened to hear that the activities for Day 2 of CVIRAA Games had been suspended by Dep Ed Regional Director Dulangon because Signal #3 of Typhoon Pablo (International Code Name Bopha) was raised by PAGASA in Negros Occidental. That makes my chance to catch up with the Batang Pinoy Nationals that will start tomorrow in Iloilo City slimmer than it was a few days earlier. Nevertheless, I believe that it was the best decision that could be made for the safety of around 6,070 athletes who came from all the elementary and secondary schools in the region. A big blessing on my side is that my mom is with me at this kind of situation
"Safety First!" is "Safety Always!" ~Charles M. Hayes
Here's the full report of the suspension of Day 2 Games
Regional Director Carmelita T. Dulangon suspended all outdoor and indoor games of the CVIRAA today, December 4, 2012 in response to PAG-ASA’s advisory with Negros Oriental falling under Signal number 3 o
f Typhoon Pablo.
In her meeting with all the schools division superintendents and assistant schools division superintendents of Region VII at 7:00 this morning, Dulangon instructed all division heads to keep everyone in the delegations safe.
The SDS should check that the buildings can withstand strong winds and that there are no trees or plants that might fall on school structures. Flashlights, candles, food and water must be ready. Vehicles must be properly parked and kept in safe places. Adults must keep all children safe. Families must be assured that children and spouses are safe.
The division heads were also instructed to check all playing venues to make sure that no athletes are staying there. The Department of Education is now coordinating with the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council.
“We need to take care of everybody. We must remember to pray, prepare, and pray more”, Dulangon said.
Games are suspended until further advisories.
In her meeting with all the schools division superintendents and assistant schools division superintendents of Region VII at 7:00 this morning, Dulangon instructed all division heads to keep everyone in the delegations safe.
The SDS should check that the buildings can withstand strong winds and that there are no trees or plants that might fall on school structures. Flashlights, candles, food and water must be ready. Vehicles must be properly parked and kept in safe places. Adults must keep all children safe. Families must be assured that children and spouses are safe.
The division heads were also instructed to check all playing venues to make sure that no athletes are staying there. The Department of Education is now coordinating with the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council.
“We need to take care of everybody. We must remember to pray, prepare, and pray more”, Dulangon said.
Games are suspended until further advisories.
Instead of staying at the hotel the whole day, we went to the family estate of the Chans (Coach Jing's Place - Olympian Jennifer Chan) where I spent the day "shooting in the rain."
Here are some of our photos that day...
Here's my photo with Coach Joe and Coach Jing. I always enjoy and treasure moments with these great coaches and Archery champs!
During break time, I would run and play with the pet dogs. How I suddenly missed Justine, our 16 year old Shitzu when I played with the Chan's family pet dog. It's a mix-bred daschund and a mini pincher.
And here's a pug that I want to have. I asked mom and dad to give me a pug for Christmas and I hope I will have it... Why? Because I know God will answer my heart's desire to have a pug. :))
And yes... this is why I'm so inspired to play Archery... oooohhh my... just look at the medal collections of the Olympian Archer Jennifer Chan. She always inspires me to do my best in my Archery journey.

Here's mom enjoying the nice place at the estate despite the impending super typhoon.
She is with the mom of Coach Jing
And here's coach Joe as a piano virtuoso. He's not just 'bows and arrows' but 'ebony and ivory keys' as well.
After all the hitches and glitches of the suspension of the Games, we had an enjoyable day at Coach Jing's place. Thank you coach Jing for accommodating us to your beautiful place.
When we got back at the hotel, there was a city-wide black-out... and we started bracing for the passing of Super Typhoon Pablo.
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